Most men know nothing about picking out lingerie, which is understandable because it can be confusing. What type of lingerie to buy, what size, what color - how is a man to know? Here is a little guide to help you when choosing lingerie for that special someone.

There are a few things to consider before you go out. What does she like? Remember that you will not be wearing this - she will and you should go out with the intent on getting something she will like. If she is not into lacey, tiny, see-through teddies, chances are if you buy that, she will not be in much of a mood to wear it and you may never see it. So keep what she likes in mind.

If you do not know, check out her nightgown/lingerie drawer before you leave. Check for material type (cotton, silk, etc.), colors, and most importantly, size. She may be flattered if she wears a large and you get her a small, but if she wears a small and you buy her a large, you may find yourself in trouble. Avoid anything that says "control" on the label. Those items are used to firm and flatten tummys and rears and she would probably not appreciate receiving them as a gift.

Another thing to remember is if the store offers to wrap the lingerie let them. Dainty lingerie will look better in their wrapping than if you wrap it in the paper left over from your cousin's birthday. Presentation is part of the package with lingerie. Also, if you are uncomfortable in the store, check out online stores that sell lingerie. You can always start at Victoria's Secret, but most major department stores like Macys and Nordstroms also sell lingerie. Final note - remember to keep your receipt just in case it is the wrong style, size, or color.
Now, what type of lingerie is available? Just about anything you can think of! Ask yourself what the occasion is. Is this to let her know you love her? If so, something crotchless or see-through probably will not send that message. But, if it is for Valentine's Day or your anniversary, something a little more risqué might be appreciated. Bras alone have many different styles including push up, plunge, gel filled, padded, under wire, seamless, backless, strapless, open cup, and unpadded.

If you are purchasing a bra and panty set, always check out what she has in her drawer beforehand and definitely make note of the size - of both the bra and panties. Most places sell at least one pair of panties that match each bra, but some will sell several so you can mix and match. It will help to know what type of panties she likes to wear too - thongs, briefs, or high cut bikini.
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